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Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
Joined: 19/01/2004 - 00:00
What's wrong at Frankston?

The bells of dissatisfaction are ringing loud and clear out of Frankston Park at the moment. The Dolphins the most vulnerable they've ever been in their proud history in the VFA/VFL, some media reports have even suggested that this could be the last year we see them in VFL competition - at least as a stand alone club.

On field, has there been that big a change playing talent wise? The core group from 2008 still appear to be there. Perhaps not all fit, but they're still there. Off field - the biggest change has been the coach. And of course the Presidency towards the end of last season.

So where has season 2009 all gone wrong? Is the playing group happy? Are the fans impressed with Shannon Grant's coaching? And will Frankston still be in the VFL in 2010?

It'll be interesting to see what sort of performance they put up on Sunday against the 11th placed side - a stand alone AFL team mind you.

Our resident Dollies fans have been quiet, start speaking up boys!!! And a question for non-Dolphins fans but VFL fans in general, if the Dolphins existence depended on finance/memberships, would you buy a season ticket to help keep them afloat?