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Last seen: 1 year 6 months ago
Joined: 15/05/2004 - 00:00
Team Selection for Frankston Final!
My team would look something like this? Vansittart Crow Bower Bannister S.O'Hailpin Teague Blackwell Harford Jackson Chambers Deluca Prendergast Houlihan Morrell Bryan McLaren Davies, Hickey, Sicilano, F.Raso Sporn Fallu In: Bower, Bannister, Teague, Blackwell, Jackson, Deluca, Raso, O'Hailpin, Sporn out: Young [inj], Edwards, Hartlett, Livingston, Longmuir, A.O'hailpin, A.Raso, Russell, Smith. Very tall side but can get away with it on a small ground. Chambers and Longmuir are probably competing for same spot, I'd go Chambers just as he's accurate around goals. Jackson, Blackwell and Sporn beef up the midfield, Bannister, Teague, Bower and O'Hailpin the backline. Jess Smith would be unlucky to be dropped but can't find a spot for him unless a big man goes. Edwards could also count himself unlucky, not so Jordan Russell, he was woeful on the weekend, an effort early in the last quarter would have me giving him a life ban!
Edited by: admin on 28/12/2008 - 02:16