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zebraman's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
Joined: 21/02/2004 - 00:00
Frankston V Sandringham
There are some games where you expect to win and there are others when you think you haven't got a chance in hell of winning and you end up winning....and today was one of those.. At 3/4 time Sandy were 5 points in front of Frankston and the Dolphions had the wind in the last 1/4....and we were a pretty glum lot coming back from Mark Williams 3/4 time address....kicking towards the city end of the ground there had only been one goal kicked to that end in 3 quarters and that was to Frankston in the 1st 1/4... How sweet it is to then kick 4 goals to 2 in the last 1/4 to win by 7 points...a remarkable last 1/4 by Sandy considering they were held scoreless in the 2nd 1/4....and we only had one player available on the bench...Nick Smith, Nathan Carroll and Nick Sautner were all injured... It was odd seeing Frankston defending in the last 1/4...they had the wind but were playing like they were kicking into the wind...short passing around when a decent kick would have put them into attack... Go Zebs... Beating Frankston is right up there with beating Port Melbourne..
Edited by: admin on 28/12/2008 - 02:14