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ravenxau's picture
Last seen: 8 years 8 months ago
Joined: 25/04/2013 - 08:47

Just finished watching Claremont vs Peel Thunder on ABC1. For a clash of the top vs bottom on the ladder, Claremont only won by 17 pts. It's great to watch some good footy on TV - In this respect the WAFL really delivers. The fact that there are only 9 teams in the league seems to keep the gap between the top and bottom teams to a minimum. The games are on ABC on Friday mornings at 2.30am. I have been enjoying recording them and watching them on Friday nights while the AFL trots out its usual rubbish.

Looking forward to the Falcons vs the Sharks next week.....

(please no result spoilers in responses in this thread)


This weeks WAFL World Podcast

Edited by: ravenxau on 04/05/2013 - 12:57