Haven't started working out match-ups, but this is going to be a very tough game for the Borough to win. Hopefully they rise to the challenge!
[b]F McGlynn Bonaddio Cotchett [/b]
B McKenzie O'Shea Meyer
[b]HF Smith Pitt McGrath[/b]
HB Ward Cloke Beaumont
[b]C Robbins McMahon Nahas[/b]
C O'Keefe Br. Johnson Stretton
[b]HB Livingston Baird Dwyer[/b]
HF Picken Grant Urch
[b]B S. Brewer Dalton Pleming[/b]
F Tiller Skipper Galea
[b]R Fanning Pinwill Spriggs[/b]
R Street Harbrow Jolley
[b]INT Cain Thomas McLaren Pearce[/b]
INT Stack Rose Mu. Boyd Cook