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Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
Joined: 19/01/2004 - 00:00
Round 20 Williamstown v Werribee
Well, perhaps one of the games of the season coming up. Will see whether Werribee can be a real challenger or are just going to be making up the numbers. You have to wonder about the mentality of the people running the league though. Fancy scheduling the Western derby VFL clash up against the Western Region FL Preliminary Final (of which Spotswood are involved in)!! There will be twice as many people at Chirnside Park for the WRFL than there will be at Williamstown. In Williamstown's defence the WRFL Div 2 Grand Final is on this Sunday so that would've clashed too. But maybe the derby should be played at Round 18 to avoid this situation? I dare say many people would be very disappointed too that both games are on the same day. Perhaps the following weekend the VFL can give Williamstown a home final on the Saturday and clash that with the WRFL Grand Final (likely Port Colts v Spotswood). Its the job of numerous people to get these sorts of things correct. And so often the VFL doesnt come up trumps when it comes to scheduling and common sense.
Edited by: admin on 28/12/2008 - 02:17