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Joined: 19/01/2004 - 00:00
Reserve Qual Final: Williamstown v Box Hill
Well, what a funny old day down at Point Gellibrand. I arrived at 11.15 just after the reserves had started and was greeted with a strong, but warm northerly breeze. By half time we’d had a few drops of rain, there was grey cloud rolling across the bay, I was in desperate need of my raincoat, but at least the wind had nearly died down completely. By the early stages of the senior game she was back blowing a gale again, this time a very fresh and cold wind. At least there was nothing more than a few spits of rain all day. Really good game of footy in the reserves, Williamstown getting up by 55 points in the end, they had control for the whole second half (a 3-4 goal lead) but really only ran away with it in the last 15 minutes. Box Hill started with the aid of a strong breeze, but failed to make the most of it and only led by 14 points at the first change. It took Williamstown a little while to peg it back, but two crucial goals by Tim Jenkins in the last minute before half time sent the home side in with a 14 point buffer at half time – and the feeling that they’d used the scoring end to their advantage. Pressure was the order of the day in the second half, we must’ve seen a record amount of smothers off the boot. Luke Cartelli chimed in with two goals in succession during the third term, Williamstown holding a four goal lead at ¾ time. Box Hill got to within three goals in the last, but Williamstown ran away with it late with Jarrod Boumann kicking three last quarter goals. A frustrating prospect I’d imagine, he gets his hands on the ball in the air but holds about a third of his marks which isn’t good enough. Perhaps another Scotty Clayton failed tall. James Mulligan likewise. Neither show enough for mine. For Williamstown, Matthew Grossman broke the lines with his lightning dash but he needs to improve his disposal, Nathan Lyons created many opportunities for the Seagulls and really sparked the side up a few times and ex Carlton rookie Murray Boyd provided a strong marking target across half forward. Nathan Black was terrific in patches down back and I thought Brant Dickson played an important role in the ruck during the last quarter. Box Hill, despite having some experienced players in their side such as Kris Shore and Sam Gibson who have played plenty of senior VFL footy, really seemed to struggle without having an imposing target in their forward line. Chris Hoegel, who leads the Box Hill reserves goalkicking this year, slotted four goals for the day but he was a lone hand with the ex-AFL listed Shore never looking dangerous at any stage. Loved the atmosphere provided by a few Box Hill supporters behind the goals. They spent most of the last quarter yelling. But their best line was directed at umpire #18 whose Craig Hutchison hairstyle made him look a tad older than he probably is - “You’re 60 man and you’re still umpiring in the reserves”. Great work boys! Bloopers of the day: (1) The umpires on quarter time. A free kick was awarded to a Box Hill player about 45m out, the ball spilled to one of his teammates who was in the clear and was paid the advantage. However as he was in possession of the ball the siren sounded. The umpires allowed him to kick the ball after the siren had sounded from about 30m out which he goaled. That surely is not permitted. A few Williamstown players kicked up a stink and rightly so – I’m sure in that situation the free kick should’ve come back to 45m out. Rare event but it seemed the umpires did not know what to do. (2) Poor old Josh Young…marked the ball about a foot out from goal, played on and fresh aired the ball across the line. Minor score. [b]Williamstown 1.4 6.10 10.13 19.17 (131) Box Hill Hawks 3.6 4.8 6.13 10.16 (76)[/b] GOALS: Williamstown: Boumann 4 Jenkins 4 Cartelli 2 Dickson Keddell Chiu Black Boyd Cravino O'Shea Mulligan Grossman Box Hill Hawks: Hoegel 4 Shore 2 Neil Bayliss Kelleher Gibson BEST: Williamstown: Keddell Lyons Boyd Boumann Black Cravino Box Hill Hawks: Bayliss Papaluca Gibson Bull Daniher Hoegel
Edited by: admin on 28/12/2008 - 02:17