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Last seen: 3 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: 19/01/2004 - 00:00
The direction of the VFL
Former Cat Tim McGrath wrote an article in the Geelong Addy a couple of weeks ago titled "VFL comp loses way". He argues that "experience in VFL sides is being compromised for youth" and that "one of the best ways to develop young players is giving them someone to look up to and help them through the transition from VFL to AFL". Given McGrath effectively played that type of role at Geelong in 2002 when they won the premiership, it's no surprise he presents the view he does. He says that he got plenty of enjoyment out of the season and praised the standard of the VFL, but feels that "all the AFL listed players who go back to the VFL simply want to play well to get back in the AFL side...there are too many individual players in the teams". What do people think: - experience vs youth? - how have senior players at your club fitted in this year? - do you find many people play "as individuals" at your club? Personally, I probably prefer to see youth in the VFL. I look at some of the older players and feel that they are taking a spot away from someone young who still may still have a draft ambition. I can see the value of the older players, but in small numbers. I reckon guys like Matthew Croft and Simon Garlick have gone back to the VFL with the right attitude at Werribee. So they're two examples of players who have fitted in really well. But there are some players who probably don't have the right attitude floating around the league. Box Hill probably had a few senior type Hawks players run around this year - were you happy with their attitude there fellas?
Edited by: admin on 28/12/2008 - 02:14