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Last seen: 14 hours 30 min ago
Joined: 21/03/2004 - 00:00
AFL: Launceston Farce
What did everyone think of the finish to the St Kilda vs Fremantle game today. Here is my view: Here is how I see it after viewing vision of it this evening. 1) When time runs out the siren shall be blown and continue being blown until a field umpire has signalled he has heard the siren. [b]Is this case this did not occur.[/b] 2) It is intersting that the siren was not heard I was down there a week ago for a VFL match and the siren could be heard. But maybe having 15000 there could be a difference. My opinon is that the game will be declared a draw. Don't blame the umpires becuase I think the time keeper has made the mistake by not continually blowing the siren like he should have.
Edited by: admin on 28/12/2008 - 02:15